The underlying problem

Healthy soils are essential for providing food and clean water, in hosting biodiversity and mitigating climate change effects. However, more than 60% of EU soils are considered unhealthy, with potentially 2.8 million sites being contaminated. ARAGORN highlights the need for a holistic approach to soil remediation that considers diverse land managers’ needs and societal contexts to minimise risk and ultimately ensure  successful restoration of land.

ARAGORN focuses on tackling hotspot pollution sources, aiming to mitigate risk and prevent further emissions, as remediation actions become more difficult and costly as pollution spreads.

What ARAGORN seeks

ARAGORN objectives
are SMART:


ARAGORN provides a robust decision tree tailored to both private and public land managers, guiding them to the most effective, eco-resilient, and cost-efficient remediation and restoration scenarios.

The goal is clear: help European land managers tackle contamination.

How? Through mapping, gathering on-site information and optimizing tools for prioritizing, planning, and investing in remediating land polluted by contaminants. This will all lead to a better reuse of already claimed land, purposedly avoiding further land-take.

ARAGORN aims to fill the gap in assessing the suitability and sustainability of remediation approaches for contaminated sites in Europe. The project has a holistic, multi-dimensional and resilience-based approach. It aims to optimize planning and management of restored sites through nature-based restoration techniques, while creating a relevant framework for knowledge.

The way towards impact

From results to expected outcomes, and the pathways to long-term impact. ARAGORN has developed four distinct pathways to impact:

  • Mapping and monitoring tools for source identification and effective remediation
  • From regrettable to restorative remediation of land 
  • Planning and decision-making tools 
  • Rooting knowledge through co-creative processes and sustainable infrastructure

All of this is made possible by a consortium of 17 partners, scientific and technical institutions in 12 European countries, which exchange their multi-disciplinary knowledge and cooperate on the same objective.